Introducing Gina Azzi

Gina Azzi book coverIntroducing author Gina Azzi author of Corner of Ocean and Bay.

Question: Tell us more about yourself.

Answer: My name is Gina and I’m a passionate reader. I’m obsessed with my Kindle. I also love traveling, iced coffees, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. I’m a pescatarian – I enjoy sushi too much!

Corner of Ocean and Bay is my first novel and taught me more about myself than most undertakings in my twenties.

Question: What is Corner of Ocean and Bay about?

Answer: Corner of Ocean and Bay centers on the friendship of Nessa and Jacie the summer before their senior year of high school. The themes present in the book focus on common teenage issues such as underage drinking, first loves, sex, family issues, etc. The underlying, core theme is the friendship, and all its complexities, between the two girls.

Question: How did you create the setting of Lockwood Quay?

Answer: The setting was largely inspired by my childhood summers at the Jersey Shore. Even though I have visited many other beaches, the Jersey shore holds a very special place in my heart. I think summers at the beach during my teen years were magical and contributed greatly to my outlook, sense of adventure, and enjoying the moments as they happen. I’ve never felt more carefree than I do at the beach.

Side note: I don’t think people outside of NJ ever refer to the beach as the Shore.

Question: What was the last book you read and loved?

Answer: I’m torn – it’s a toss up between Deborah Harkness’s All Souls Trilogy and Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander Series. I just started book five, The Fiery Cross.

I absolutely loved the All Souls Trilogy and am really enjoying the Outlander series. Both are comprised of books you just can’t put down. They are good for summer reading if you have a lot of time because once you start, you will most likely spend the whole day reading!

Question: What do you do when you’re not writing?

Answer: A lot of the time, I’m reading! Lately, I’ve been trying my hand at cooking and learning new recipes. I would love to learn how to bake. I also enjoy yoga and Pilates – currently, I’m attending the pre-natal classes since I’m expecting my first baby in November. I also blog at Bookmarks and Champagne ( It began more as a way for me to keep in touch with family and friends back home but has evolved to include bits about travel and expat life. My best friend and I are considering a book blog as we both love reading and are attached to our Kindles half the time.

Question: Have you always wanted to be an author?

Answer: Writing a book has always been a dream of mine – just not one I ever thought I could turn into a profession. I’m very grateful for the support of my husband and family and friends to stick with this project and give it a try. I enjoy writing every day and feel very fortunate to do something I feel passionate about.

Question: What were your favorite childhood books?

Answer: When I was young, my mom read to me every night before bed and I would always beg for one more book. My favorite childhood book was Love you Forever by Robert Munsch. As I got older, I was obsessed with The Babysitter’s Club – I wanted to be like Dawn. I also really enjoyed  the classics: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, everything by Jane Austen, and Wuthering Heights. Harry Potter is my favorite series of all-time. I wish I could go to Hogwarts.

Question: What is your favorite place to write?

Answer: Since my husband and I live abroad and travel often, I find myself writing wherever I can – on plane trips and in airport terminals, in little cafes and coffee shops, in many news cities surrounded by new influences. But right now, the traveling has slowed down since I’m pregnant, so it’s my kitchen table! We’ve got this huge picnic style table from Ikea and I love spreading my notes and journals and coffee mugs all over it when I sit down to write.

Question: What are you working on now?

Answer: Currently, I’m working on a four-book series about four best friends embarking on their senior year of college. Each book will focus on one of the girls and the experiences she has during her last year of college – whether that be as a study abroad student, an athlete, a candidate for a competitive internship, etc. – as well as her personal growth and love interest! The first book is scheduled to be released in November 2015.

Question: If you weren’t writing, what would you be doing?

Answer: I feel very fortunate to write. In the future, I imagine myself doing all sorts of things. I would love to own a café one day – one that only serves breakfast food and amazing coffee. I’ve always wanted to work on a vineyard and learn about wine-making. We’ll see what the future holds but right now, I’m really happy to be exactly where I am, writing!

That cafe sounds like my kind of place, thank you Gina for visiting. Read Gina’s advice for new authors here.

Gina loves meeting new people and would love to hear from you! Get in touch with her at: Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook




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